Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Protect Your Ground Water Day

September 13, 2011

Everyone can and should do something to protect groundwater. Why? Because we all have a stake in maintaining groundwater quality and quantity. With this in mind, the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) has created “Protect Your Ground Water Day.”

For starters, 95 percent of all available freshwater comes from aquifers underground. Being a good steward of groundwater just makes sense. Not only that, most surface water bodies are connected to groundwater so how you impact groundwater matters. Furthermore, many public water systems draw all or part of their supply from groundwater, so protecting the resource protects the public water supply and lowers treatment costs.

But, groundwater and source water protection isn’t just a job for the professionals. “Every person can do something to protect groundwater in their local area—from not polluting it to using water wisely,” says Cliff Treyens, NGWA director of public awareness. “This day is intended to give every person an action step he or she can take.”

If you own a well to provide water for your family, farm, or business, groundwater protection is doubly important. As a well owner, you are the manager of your own water system. Protecting groundwater will help reduce risks to your water supply.

Learn more about groundwater by visiting the NGWA website at www.ngwa.org. More information about Protect Your Ground Water Day may be found at www.ngwa.org/Events-Education/groundwater-day/Pages/default.aspx.