Beginning January 1, 2012, Grays Harbor County Environmental Health Division will only offer a Food Handlers Class on the FIRST and THIRD Thursdays of the each month.
Registration for the Food Handlers Class will begin at 2:30pm. Class will begin at 3:00pm and end around 4:00pm.
The cost is still $10.00, payable with cash or a check made out to Grays Harbor County. Currently debit and credit cards are not accepted.
Additionally, a Food Handlers Card can be obtained on-line at any time by going to:
To obtain a Food Handlers Card on-line, you must have access to a working printer and a credit or debit card.
There is only one website authorized to provide you with a valid food worker card so please use our links to navigate to the correct website.
If you have any questions about the reduction in the amount of Food Handlers Classes or need more information about the on-line class, please contact us at (360) 249-4413.